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МКК: презентации результатов развития Вышки

Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию материалы презентаций результатов реализации Программы развития ВШЭ, которые были представлены на заседании Международного консультативного комитета.

Coming to a new stage of the HSE development


  • First stage of the HSE development program (2009-2020) is finished by 2012;
  • It is a right moment for developing and correcting the HSE strategy;
  • Internationalization of academic activities and maintenance of the HSE integrity as key tasks.


Topics for discussion

  • Challenges of the HSE extensive growth;
  • Raising quality of education for undergraduate and graduate students;
  • Performance of the post-graduate program (aspirantura);
  • Selective incentives and rotation of Faculty members.


The HSE extensive growth is continued

  • Russian university No. 1 in the number of grant-funded students to be enrolled in 2012 
  • Opening new BA programs:
  • History ;
  • Philology;
  • Asian Studies ;
  • Joint program in Economics with  the New Economic School;
  • BA programs in social sciences and humanities at the HSE regional branches.

Opening new Master’s programs

  • Banking Management;
  • Financial Analyst;
  • Economics (SPb);
  • Мarketing Techniques (SPb);
  • System and Software Engineering;
  • Lawyer in the Justice and Law Enforcement;
  • History, Theory and Philosophy of Law;
  • Legal Support Personnel Management;
  • Urban Development and Spatial Planning;
  • Multimedia Journalism;
  • History of Knowledge in a Comparative Perspective;
  • Applied Cultural Studies;
  • Applied Social Psychology;
  • Information Resources for History Science;
  • Management in Higher Education;
  • Education Administration (SPb).


New trend: from the organic growth to mergers

Integration of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Math (MIEM) in 2012

  • 3700 students and 500 faculty members;
  • Applied Math, IT and Computer Sciences (high quality, have partners at the HSE);
  • Electronics and Telecommunications (ambivalent quality, do not have partners at the HSE);
  • Social and Economic sciences (low quality);

Challenges: additional costs of integration, development of the engineering department, HSE brand maintenance.


Internationalization of education: attracting overseas students

  • Developing and offering courses taught in English (over 160 courses);
  • Suggesting clusters of elective courses for overseas students coming for a semester-long program rather than for a degree;
  • 357 international students (excluding CIS and Baltic States) were studying in HSE in 2011(60% came for year/semester-long programs);
  • Launching degree programs taught in English (5 master’s programs in 2012);

Challenge: how to increase the number of overseas students from the leading universities.


Creating opportunities for outbound student mobility                  

  • Running 24 double-degree programs with 20 foreign universities;
  • Issuing the European Diploma Supplement to the HSE degree (all graduates starting from 2011);
  • 180 HSE students attended study abroad programs in 2011 (rather limited financial support from HSE);
  • Introducing new forms of student mobility programs  and providing financial assistance on a competitive basis;
Challenge: how to define criteria for the financial support of students? Should it be performance-based, program-based, or need-based?
  • Selection of more than 200 teaching assistants;
  • Providing sabbaticals for faculty members (one time in five years);
  • Reducing teaching load:
  • for younger faculty members (25 percent);
  • for the PhD holders recruited from the international academic market;
  • for the faculty members engaged in the administrative tasks.


Basic criteria:

  • Doing research and having publications (or being a prominent practitioner);
  • Developing and publishing syllabi and basic personal information on the HSE web-site;
  • Having high or moderate students’ ratings;
  • Having academic degrees of candidate, doctor or PhD (for certain academic positions);

Challenge: faculty members formally have adapted to the new basic requirements.

How to develop the selection and rotation criteria?

  • Should we invest more resources to raise the HSE rankings?
  • Which ranking systems should we focus upon?
  • What kind of measures should be taken in the short-term perspective?
  • Should we invest more resources to raise the HSE rankings?
  • Which ranking systems should we focus upon?
  • What kind of measures should be taken in the short-term perspective?

15 июня, 2012 г.